Monday, June 6, 2011

Long Take Response

The long take workshop was one of my favorite assignments so far in class. In just four hours we learned how to load film, blocking, directing, shooting, film development, projection loading, and digital transferring. It was amazing to learn all of these different elements of film-making in such a short amount of time. This assignment is a perfect example of why I love this class so much, because every single skill that we learned during the long take, will be a skill that I will definitely use and need to know further down the line in my film career, I feel like I am actually learning something that I could be doing for a living someday. The entire four hour process was well set-up and organized and easy to follow due to the schedule handout sheet. Every aspect of the project was a lot of fun and very exciting. The 16mm bolex film also looks amazing and just the opportunity of shooting on film like that is always enjoyable, I can't wait to see our finished film.

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